Monday, April 12, 2010

Just Peachy!

This peach smoothie is one of those perfect Spring/Summer afternoon treats! I was first introduced to them by my friend Tavia. This was one of her pregnancy cravings and I soon learned was amazing! The original is from a local coffee shop in Beaufort (Common Ground), but Robert being the dear that he is helped me figure out the recipe!

Side note: I always tease him that I married him for his beverage making expertise. He worked at Smoothie Factory and Starbucks...I know, I'm spoiled! I tell him that him working at Starbucks is one of the many reasons I married and the ONLY reason my dad let me marry him...haha! (if you know my dad you totally understand).

Back to the recipe! You'll need the following:

1 can peaches (8.25 oz)
1/2 cup yogurt
1/4 cup Half & Half
1.5 tablespoons honey
3 cups ice

This should make two medium or one giant sized portion(s). I noticed in the above picture that I have fat free yogurt and half and half, I guess in mind that made it a wash as far as calories go!

Add all ingredients to your blender. I find the best success when the ice is on top. And then blend away!

Check your may want a tad more ice or yogurt, it's a personal choice.

Then pour yourself a heaping cupful (as I did) or share with a friend and ENJOY!

Special thanks to Robert for helping figure out the recipe and being a good teacher :D


  1. You're right. It IS a personal choice. More yogurt, please.

  2. Haha! Thanks...that made me laugh :D

  3. i always have more recipes for smoothies if you need them!
