I said farewell to Robert early Tuesday morning. He's off to sail the high seas for the next 3-4 months. This is a fabulous opportunity for him, he's the team lead for the Combat Camera section on ship!
We had a fabulous last weekend together. We went to one of my favorite shopping areas here in Oki and on the way I had to take a picture of the 100 Yen Plaza, it's Japan's version of the US Dollar Store except they actually have some really cool stuff!
Driving in Okinawa traffic, there were protests going on Saturday, but luckily we missed most of the commotion. :D
Found these awesome mugs in Grace. We got quite a few funny looks and I think one lady took a picture of us with her cell phone...crazy Americans!
Yes we set the timer on the picture above...why not?!
Some of my favorite thing in Grace: Sushi Lunch Box, Chopstick Section, and Cow Coffee Maker
All that shopping made us hungry! Charmy's is basically like a snow cone but it's made from frozen milk instead of ice and topped with chocolate...hmmmmm!
Inside TodayOk! it's very similar to Ikea so much great stuff.
That's my new office chair from TodayOk! and my inventive husband, pretty sure a couple took his pic with their camera phone too...crazy Americans!
Lovely view while driving home from shopping.
We had dinner at Arin Karin before he left...he'd been dying to try it since we've moved here. This is the outside of the building...I'll be honest at first I didn't get the connection between the art on the wall and garlic and was slightly offended at first glance...ooops! I see it now :D
Dinner was fabulous! Garlic is AMAZING...we'll be taking all our visitors here for sure!
After dinner it was time for ice cream at Big Dip! They have the cut outs everywhere...I just love it!
This ice cream spurred on many "yo mama" jokes and no I didn't try it.
What's an ice cream parlor with out a creepy Marine officer with a Staff Sgt's rank?!
Leaving church on Sunday...love our church here and our Sunday School and Small group Bible Study, such a blessing!
Robert's last day here we went to lunch at one of our favorite little restaurants right outside base...yummm!
Thanks so much for all the phone calls, emails, facebook messages and prayers...they are greatly appreciated! I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses from Anchors Aweigh: